End-of-Year Activities

Countdown to Summer

To take advantage of this abundance of energy and to steer them in the right (write) direction, we created our Countdown to Summer Sunflower Bulletin Board and Google Slide.

Can’t wait for summer to begin? I bet your students can’t either. I know mine can’t.

We wanted to channel their energy in the right (write) direction so we created 24 writing prompts for in-class students (printable) and interactive Google Slide format for remote students as well.

24 Summer Writing Prompts for All

With the 24 writing prompts, the prompts consist of things every child can do. As a teacher, I have always cringed when I read summer writing prompts that ask children to write about their family’s vacations and other extravagances that so many students do not get to do. So, when we created these, we kept ALL students in mind. To give you a couple of examples, please read some below.

  • Do you like to stay inside or outside during the summer?
  • Do you go somewhere special during the summer, like to the library, a carnival, a ride to the beach, or a trip to your grandparents or a special aunt or uncle?
  • What is your favorite meal during the summer and how is it cooked?
  • What are you most thankful for during the summer?

I feel writing prompts like these will give each child an opportunity to write about their summer and how much it means to them. If a child has a pool, most likely they will automatically write they would want to stay outside. However, if their neighborhood is dangerous, they might want to write about how they love to stay inside and play games or read stories. The writing prompts give each student an opportunity to tell about their unique situation, without making them feel sad.

Sunflower Writing Paper

Also, we have created 2 versions of writing papers to share with your students as well. Everyone will love the bright colors.

Great End-of-Year Project

Plus, you will love the fun of removing one of our 24 sunflower petals each day and having your students choose from the 24 writing prompts to write about their upcoming summer. Such a great end-of-year project.

Numberless Board for Secret Countdown

If your admin doesn’t want you to “officially” countdown, we made a numberless version to use as well. They will never catch on to the fact that you and your students are counting down the days simply because a couple of petals have fallen from your sunflower. Shhhh! This will be your class’s summer fun secret.

Grab yours today! I promise you will love it as much as your students do.

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